A podiatrist is qualified to prevent, diagnose and treat conditions affecting the feet and lower limbs. Our podiatrists will work with you to relieve pain, correct deformities, help prevent foot conditions from occurring, as well as keeping you active and mobile. One of our experienced podiatrists will assess you to determine the nature of your problem, treat your concern and work with you to create a management plan that is suited to you. Podiatrists can work alongside and liaise with other medical professionals, such as your GP, to treat the symptoms of any underlying medical conditions, for example, diabetes and arthritis, which can often have a negative effect on your foot health.
No, you can make an appointment without a referral as podiatrists aren’t classified as “specialists” under the medical referral system.
We do accept Veterans Affairs claims, although your coverage will depend on the type of card you have. For Veterans with a Gold Card, you will be covered for all podiatry services. For Veterans with a White Card, DVA will fund podiatry services if they are required because of an accepted war or service related injury or disease. We require a referral from your GP in order to claim through DVA.
Yes, our clinic accepts EPC plans. If you have been classified by your doctor as having a chronic medical condition (such as diabetes) and an Enhanced Primary Care Plan has been lodged with Medicare by your doctor, you are eligible to have Medicare pay a percentage of the podiatry fee. The plan may entitle you to have up to 5 podiatry visits a year. Please note that Medicare will only allow an individual to claim a maximum of 5 visits per year, across all active referrals and all Allied Health Professionals.
Yes, we do accept Work Cover and TAC podiatry patients. We will bill Work Cover and TAC directly for consultations , providing that you can supply us with an approval letter for Podiatry services.
Yes, although we only accept NDIS patients who have a plan manager.
Yes. Private health funds do cover podiatry although it will depend on your level of cover as to whether you are eligible to claim for podiatry services. You will need to contact your health fund to find out about your personal entitlements to podiatry. Our HICAPS facility allows us to directly claim from your private health fund at the time of your treatment.
Yes we are wheelchair accessible via the ramp to the side of the clinic. The ramp can be accessed from the laneway.
Monday-Tuesday: 8:00am - 6:00pm
Wednesday: 11:00am - 7:00pm
Thursday: 8:00am - 3:00pm
Friday: CLOSED
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